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Bringing Back Walt

Bringing Back Walt

In a somewhat predictable move today, the largest minority share holders of Disney stock (DIS) have hired Dr. DeBakie Chicken to manage a controversial move. What move? It seems that this minority block has persuaded a Disney employee to remove the frozen head of Walt Disney from the cryogenic vault below Disneyland where the founders […]

The last known Yhicken

The last known Yhicken

The last known Yhicken Indian, ‘Fri’ was also claimed to be the last “wild” Native American Poultry. A survivor of the 1976 Three Processors Massacre.  He was found alone near the processing plant in White Water, Arkansas in 1981. He was on the verge of death. In August of that year, Fri was placed under […]

Time-Travel Success

Time-Travel Success

Rosco Chicken turned to his younger cousin Waldo Chickadee in order to synchronize the simultaneous launch of their science project. When both operators pushed their buttons, a flash of color filled the air. They later called this “The Pepto Bismol Blast” with it’s bright pink blast of energy. Waldo and Rosco had made this discovery […]

“Looking at Uranus” Closes

“Looking at Uranus” Closes

“Looking at Uranus”, is a Broadway play based on the life of Astronomer William ‘Eggs’ Herschel, who discovered the planet Uranus in 1781. There was  much anticipation for the opening of this period piece musical. In the light of the success of ‘Hamilton’, it seemed justified. While the major players were generally unknown, Chainsaw Chicken […]

Russian TV Interrupted

Russian TV Interrupted

Some of you may have seen the short video of a television station employee stepping out behind the Russian TV announcer to tell watchers that they need to know the truth about the war with Ukraine. It made the news everywhere. Those 20 seconds startled the world. But if you had let the program continue, […]