Harvard University has selected a man who does not believe in God to be the school’s chief chaplain. Chief Chaplain Epstein Chicken now serves as Harvard’s Humanist Chaplain. Also,the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Humanist Chaplain, as well as Convener for Ethical Life at the MIT Office of Religious, Spiritual, and Ethical Life. “We don’t […]
Bigfoot Drumsticks
There was little press coverage when a coalition of photographic professionals from NASA as well as experts from Chainsaw Chicken International, LTD announced the results of a digital computerized study of the famous Roger Patterson image of Bigfoot taken on 1967 in Northern California. Recently, claims have been made that the encounter filmed was a […]
Klaatu Barada Nikto
With all the news cropping up about UFOs and the video information ‘leaking’ to the National media, it’s time that I finally come clean and lay out the facts and truth as I know it. You can laugh, snicker or ignore this ever increasing event but it will be to your detriment. You see, I […]
Chicken-dactyl Called Foo
Tragedy struck the cold case team attempting to reconstruct the 1961 disappearance of Michael Rockefeller. He was the fifth child of Nelson Rockefeller and one of the heirs to the Rockefeller dynasty. All this mystery centered around Papua, New Guinea. Michael was ostensibly going to study the Asmat tribe, because they were some of the […]
Nessy alive and well
Finally I have proof that the Lock Ness Monster, called affectionately ‘Nessy’, is alive and well and gives one heck of a ride. Last week, when I was doing my book tour in Scotland, I took a detour to the ‘Lock’ and dawned my wet suit. I took off swimming with the faint hope of […]
Solway Firth Solved
This famous photograph referred to as ‘Solway Firth Spaceman‘ is classified as one of the strangest, unsolved mysteries ever photographed. In 1964, in Solway Firth, England, a father took a nice photo of his daughter enjoying a picnic in a field. Just the two of them. They were alone. But when the film was developed, […]
Our Glorious Leader
Excitement is at a fevered pitch around the ‘Holy Communal Center’ as the 50 chosen wives ready themselves for the largest marriage ever seen in the mountains of Nevada at the ‘Church of the Anointed Chicken’ . Each of these brides have had private interviews with Our Glorious Leader in the past weeks. They have […]
Chicken Regression
I have been told many times that I need therapy so I decided to go through it using regression therapy especially after my neighbor told me about what happened when he did it. Seems the ‘Doctor’ found out that Bob was once Maximinus Thrax, also known as Maximinus the First, the emperor of Rome from […]
The Swami Knows
Come… Be seated… Calm your mind… Stare into the sphere of future events with me… Do you see it? Hold still… Concentrate… Think of what stirs your sub-conscience. Yes… YES! You feel it too, don’t you? Yes! The answer is streaming into your consciousness. There… Now you have it! The answer to what you seek […]
Godzilla-Kong SPOILER
There is a lot of interest in the big budget scifi movie release about to hit the screen. It’s a rehash of a remake of a reboot with many of the same old titans that roam the earth. Remember the last Godzilla flick? It was discussed in the movie that they thought there were at […]