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The 4th Wise Monkey

The 4th Wise Monkey

Class! Eye’s here. please! You will be quizzed on this, so pay attention. Many of you have heard of the ancient Japanese iconography of 3 monkeys demonstrating the examples of what good people should be practicing… ‘Hear no evil’, ‘See no evil’ and ‘Speak no evil’. As this Freudian photo exemplifies, we see 3 Monkey’s, […]

Looking for Love

Looking for Love

As it turns out, Cupid was the ancient Roman god of love and counterpart to the Greek god Eros. According to mythology, Cupid was one of the sons of Mercury, the winged messenger of the gods, and Venus, the goddess of love. He was often portrayed as a baby with wings carrying a bow and […]

In Mourning

In Mourning

Again, no one seems to care. Where are the Hollywood celebrities? The Telethons? The donation web sites? The Justice Department, even PETA or the ASPCA? I’ve given up on the Southern Poverty Law School, for obvious reasons. Millions upon millions of my fellow chickens have sacrificed their wings for this commercialize cultural event. As we […]

Replacing Newsom

Replacing Newsom

After his announcement of offering to replace the soon to be recalled Gavin Newsom, Governor of California, Chainsaw Chicken faced the press who wanted to ask him about the reasons he is running. “Why are you running?” asked a reporter from the Times. Chainsaw answered ““I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to […]

Walk and Chew Gum

Walk and Chew Gum

It seems what we constantly hear is that people can “Walk and chew gum at the same time” appears to not be a universal truth. Here at Chainsaw Chicken International – LTD, the hallway security camera caught one of our senior executives demonstrating the difficulty of the experience. Our corporation has made several requests for […]

Search and Destroy

Search and Destroy

Chainsaw Chicken has accepted the task no one seems willing to do anything about. He has decided to take on those damn SPAM CALLERS with orders to ‘search and destroy’. Using the method practiced in the Vietnam war when we were actually trying to win, he is planning on daily interdiction raids as well as […]

We Need Unity

We Need Unity

Just as our fearless leader the President stated, the battle between chickens and turkeys have been extreme. But in one of the most beautiful gestures seen by modern man, Chainsaw Chicken, representing all chickens, has stated that “We must unite”. He said this and released a soft white dove gripping an olive branch, with an […]

Not DC or Marvel

Not DC or Marvel

CNN HEROS… A name that will live on in infamy. We’re not talking about D.C. or Marvel, we’re talking about CNN! And now, Brian Stelter has apparently joined the team to fight injustice and wrong-doers everywhere (within the United States). With his powers of observing and identifying those that spread rumors and unsubstantiated trues, I […]

Flocking to Oregon

Flocking to Oregon

As of Feb 1st, Oregon has done something to solve the tourism issue. They legalize hard drugs! While only small amounts of drugs are decriminalized, such as less than 1 gram of heroin or MDMA; 2 grams of cocaine or methamphetamine; 12 grams of psilocybin mushrooms; and 40 doses of LSD, oxycodone or methadone, there […]