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Biden Remote Controller

Biden Remote Controller

The pool camera feed panned left momentarily and a stunning image was seen by the people still watching President Biden’s speech. It was the infamous Darth Chicken, the string puller in the White House. The Biden Remote Controller. “Shitzen!” shouted Darth Chicken using his new Biden Remote Controller. “Put your hand down, Joe”…. Darth continued […]

Biden Adjustments

Biden Adjustments

Darth Chicken has returned to the Oval Office to make some adjustments and fine tuning. “Just a small adjustment with this tiny dial… THERE! Now! That should shorten the lag time between questions and answers… Okay, now for the sleepiness during the day. I am turning up the alertness throttle stop. Almost there… ahhhh…DONE! Now…I […]

String Puller Identified

String Puller Identified

An accidental image was captured on a closed circuit secure broadcast to other figure-heads and supposed leaders within the New World Order. There, to those who were able to see the secret image witness, was the answer that so many people who ask the question. “Who is really pulling the strings behind Biden”? When the […]