UFO’s are now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAP’s. There has been a drastic increase in their sightings. So many videos have surfaced from military jets chasing after these strangers from outer space. But have you heard of the more chilling news about abductions? Literally dozens of people around the United States have been reported […]
Torsion Collider Discovery
Professor Xavier Chicken stumbled upon a mathematical theory that combines quantum physics with long division resulting in a new scientific realization of a Torsion Collider Discovery. No longer is it only CERN that can create alternate realities and ‘God Particles’. With an heavy accent as thick as Klaus Schwab, Professor X. Chicken said at his […]
New A.I. Competitor
The new money making idea in the corporate world is artificial intelligence. Called A.I. The usual names we all think of have been investing Billions into this technology. All in the hopes to come out ahead of the rest of the pack to get the ‘big bucks’. Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd has jumped into the […]
Chicken-Human Clone
A stunning clandestine video was secreted out today of a chicken-human clone strutting around a laboratory grounds. The clones handlers can be seen guiding and protecting this one of a kind experiment. Questions started being asked. “Was this another project from a Wuhan lab?” “Is this an offspring from some alien coupling with a ‘birthing […]
Mud Hens Catcher
One of the lessor known members of the Mud Hens was their catcher, named Rudy ‘Bath House’ Chicken. Rudy was a very friendly guy to the team. Always the funny guy in the locker room, especially in the showers. He was known to frequent bath houses in each city the team traveled to. That’s how […]
Time-Travel Success
Rosco Chicken turned to his younger cousin Waldo Chickadee in order to synchronize the simultaneous launch of their science project. When both operators pushed their buttons, a flash of color filled the air. They later called this “The Pepto Bismol Blast” with it’s bright pink blast of energy. Waldo and Rosco had made this discovery […]
“Looking at Uranus” Closes
“Looking at Uranus”, is a Broadway play based on the life of Astronomer William ‘Eggs’ Herschel, who discovered the planet Uranus in 1781. There was much anticipation for the opening of this period piece musical. In the light of the success of ‘Hamilton’, it seemed justified. While the major players were generally unknown, Chainsaw Chicken […]
Trans Antarctic Tour Stalled
You may have seen this on the evening news but here is an update. The ‘Trans Antarctic Tour’ has run into some difficulty on it trek to visit the many manned weather stations in the antarctic. “It seems that our driver ran across an ice crevasse stranding the tracked snow vehicle in a precarious position” […]
Wedded Bliss
The day finally arrived. Where you in attendance? It was the blessed wedding of Scooter and Skippy. They are cousins of mine from opposite sides of the family. They met at a family birthday for Grandma ‘Bubbles’ Chicken and were instantly attracted to each other. So much so that twice they were told to “knock […]
New Covid Theory
A new Covid theory has surfaced laying blame for the world-wide pandemic being purposely caused by aliens from outer space. This report, not carried by any of the major news networks, claims that in 2019 an alien space craft landed outside of Wuhan, China. The aliens abducted a resident of the area and kept him […]