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Halloween No-no’s

Halloween No-no’s

Halloween No-no’s… According to the Anti-Defamation League “Before Halloween, be proactive by addressing these issues in advance and use it as an educational opportunity to discuss stereotypes, bias and cultural appropriation. Many children and families don’t realize that their costume choices are potentially hurtful or offensive. For example, a child who may be interested in […]

Swedish Woke Festival

Swedish Woke Festival

Leave it to the Swede’s. Now that they have emerged trying to be the most ‘woke’ country in the world, they have started celebrating their new selection of gender-neutral pronouns. It works like this; Swedish people have had two gender pronouns for a long time: hon (she) and han (he). Now the question was, how […]

My Show Got Cancelled

My Show Got Cancelled

I had a brilliant idea. You know that Hollywood has its’ own version of physics principle “The Law of Conservation” where it states that energy (in this case original entertainment ideas) can change from one form into another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. So I pitched an idea that seemed to fit their […]

Chicken Prices

Chicken Prices

I know that you have seen it. Everybody has. You go to the grocery store to get the items you want and many of them are simply not there.  When you go to the meat department you can really see the problem. If the meat is there it’s out of sight with the price. In […]

Hoosecow Admirers

Hoosecow Admirers

Just when I thought that I was totally being cancelled and marginalized along comes a hand made card. Is was from a group of gents spending some quiet time in the Gander Hill Prison at Wilmington, Delaware. Wow! How uplifting. Seems there are a few prisons in this system that are allowed some internet viewing. […]

Justice and Equity

Justice and Equity

Justice and Equity. Yes… two of the hot buzz words floating around in school, the media, even in some churches. Finally, I can see how ‘Justice’ and ‘Equity‘ can be applied to my life. Want to know how? Justice, in my case, is the world running out of chicken parts for restaurants and fast food. […]

Lower your expectations

Lower your expectations

At yesterday’s White House Press Conference, Chainsaw waited and waited to be called on. After all the usual media sources got their slow pitch of softball questions, finally some reporter got to ask a question about the shortages happening around the country. He mentioned refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, treadmills and so on. Ms. Psaki gave […]

Hillary’s Book Tour

Hillary’s Book Tour

With a roar of her motorcycle engine then popping a wheelie as she zoomed to a stop in front of the outdoor press meeting, Hillary Clinton announced her new book to the local press in Scranton, PA. In a PR stunt trying to leverage the wide spread popularity of Chainsaw Chicken, she wore a full […]

Let’s go Brandon

Let’s go Brandon

Last week, my cousin Brandon Chicken was at the Boston College vs Clemson game. Just like what is happening all over the country at football, baseball, soccer (nee football), NASCAR races, school board meetings..(well, maybe not school board meeting.. yet). The crowd, usually in outdoor settings spontaneously begin to chant “Let’s go Brandon”. But is […]

Biden Remote Controller

Biden Remote Controller

The pool camera feed panned left momentarily and a stunning image was seen by the people still watching President Biden’s speech. It was the infamous Darth Chicken, the string puller in the White House. The Biden Remote Controller. “Shitzen!” shouted Darth Chicken using his new Biden Remote Controller. “Put your hand down, Joe”…. Darth continued […]

New Emoji

New Emoji

Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd had their emoji submitted and then rejected. This was the third time. Now it took a legal suit to get Apple, Inc to finally agree to accept this submission. What changed their minds? It was simple. Chainsaw obtained a copy of the submission request put forth by the socialist agency that […]

Profound Biden Wisdom

Profound Biden Wisdom

In a recent interview of the First Family, Chainsaw Chicken engaged the Biden’s from one of their multiple vacations in their Delaware home. As they responded to Chainsaw’s ‘softball’ questions, suddenly the world was given a lengthy explanation by the President that he believes could be the answer to many problems he sees in the […]

A.O.C. Stole Her Idea!

A.O.C. Stole Her Idea!

It was so embarrassing for Mrs. Chicken. She was really trying to make a very important point when she attended the Gala at the Met in New York.. This was s message to everyone by noticing her dress. Maybe even some press. She wanted to let people know that vegetarians have other options rather than […]

Hair sniffing isn’t so bad

Hair sniffing isn’t so bad

For the last several years we’ve all been hearing about certain executives that we see on the news each night being accused of hair sniffing young women. I must admit, at first it did not sound appealing to me at all. Running around sniffing the hair of pre-teen and teens with some form of delight. […]

Wuhan Lab Discovery

Wuhan Lab Discovery

Guest scientist Fauci Chicken has been working non-stop for months at the Wuhan Labs, in order to try to avoid the similarities of the issues with Merek’s Disease and Covid-19. Here is what Wikipediphile says about Merek’s Disease in chickens: (look for yourself under ‘Prevention’ at the link below) “Because vaccination does not prevent infection […]

Smiling Assassin

Smiling Assassin

Tragedy reared it’s ugly head in our home this week. When Mrs. Chicken and I returned from the gala at the Met, we found Rodney, our neighbor. He likes, ahhh…(pause) ‘liked’ to dress as if he was a member of our family. He was watching the summer finale of America’s Got Talent at our place […]

Biden Adjustments

Biden Adjustments

Darth Chicken has returned to the Oval Office to make some adjustments and fine tuning. “Just a small adjustment with this tiny dial… THERE! Now! That should shorten the lag time between questions and answers… Okay, now for the sleepiness during the day. I am turning up the alertness throttle stop. Almost there… ahhhh…DONE! Now…I […]

String Puller Identified

String Puller Identified

An accidental image was captured on a closed circuit secure broadcast to other figure-heads and supposed leaders within the New World Order. There, to those who were able to see the secret image witness, was the answer that so many people who ask the question. “Who is really pulling the strings behind Biden”? When the […]